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Tag : Chicago

Tiki Bar packed to the tits

CHICAGO—Trader Vic invented the Mai Tai, you know. True story. I’ll always remember throwing back Suffering Bastards at the now-gone Trader Vic’s in the basement of the Toronto Hilton, long after the Polynesian culture fad of the 1950s and ’60s had dissipated.

Chicago: Hotel Roundup

There are a surprising number of awesome Chicago hotels cropping up, many of them opening in elegant, refurbished landmark buildings. The Robey took over a 1929 Art Deco office building in Wicker Park, a one-minute walk from the L Blue Line (the one to and from O’Hare). The rooms are modern and sparse, still carrying … Continue reading Chicago: Hotel Roundup


More than just deep-dish pizza and hot dogs with no ketchup, Chicago can really tick all the right getaway boxes. Let me count the ways. There’s nothing like a decadent city escape to take you outside of yourself and “unquiet” the mind. Toronto’s partnership with Chicago began in the early 1990s, in part because we … Continue reading Chicago

Chicago: The Robey

Built into a triangular, former Art Deco office tower in Wicker Park, The Robey is perfect for the hipster in all of us. A retro feel sets the scene right at the front desk and carries on up to the rooftop bar and wraparound terrace, complete with a stunning view of downtown and an up-close … Continue reading Chicago: The Robey