Ease Airport Stress
There is no reason to dread the airport. Here are some things to improve your experience.
1. Very oddly, many people don’t check in at home online. What on earth is wrong with them? You’re smarter than that.
2. Go easy on your blood pressure by leaving yourself lots of time to get to the airport. Do you really want to risk missing your flight for an extra half hour of sleep. Never trust the highway to be uncrowded (or even open).
3. Use a scale to weigh your luggage before you leave home. This let’s you avoid repacking at the check-in desk when they tell you you’re overweight. Realize that if you do have to do this, everyone will be watching you – and hating you.
4. Avoid wearing excessive jewellery or clothing with metal bits to the airport, so your security check will be a breeze. This is one of the leading causes of airport stress.
5. Pack a home-made snack in your carryon for the airport lounge, and select a seat away from the gate, away from the TV and clear of any loud people.
6. Earplugs are also not a bad idea.