CanaDream RVs range in size, sleeping from two to six people, available across Canada.

Hit the road, Jack

Way back in full-pandemic May, my friend MaryAnn said I should hop in an RV and drive across the country, creating little videos with a travelogue format, gathering TV show material.

It could only be a coincidence that my friend Marisa subsequently clued me into CanaDream RV. The world is conspiring to get me behind the wheel of a trailer it seems (the jury is still out).

Now that practically everyone is posting Facebook pictures of themselves kayaking and rafting and roaming the roads, it seems only natural to add an RV to the mix. CanaDream is one of the largest RV rental companies in Canada. The fleet is more than 1,000 strong, and you can rent from locations in Vancouver, Whitehorse, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. There are various size categories—sleeping two to six people—from super-manageable like this one in the picture to “driving the living room around” size. Whichever, you’re never more than a few feet away from bed. I could really get into that.

You have the freedom to explore on your own or plug into a pre-made itinerary, such as the Yukon Explorer or the Okanagan Wine Tour. (Seriously, this idea has “wine country” written all over it.) The company also has about 1,000 campsites available to its customers, so you don’t have to fret about packed public camp grounds. (We know how busy those are going to be this year.) There’s a booking app called the CanaDream Club to help navigate all this kind of stuff.

The kicker is that you can rent an RV for just the one way, say, Toronto to Halifax, pick up and drop off. And it works out to something like under $30 a night.

Cheap family fun, quiet interlude, honeymoon, buddy trip—whatever, hit the open road, get back to nature and get out of Dodge.